AMK WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY 6205 S. Main Street, #295 Aurora, CO 80016

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AMK Wedding Photography was born in 1986, as a then young Police Officer, Mark Fletcher, had a dream of producing low cost weddings with incredible quality and affordable prices.  AMK Wedding Photography was the first company in Colorado to ever provide copyrights to its customers along with the actual photographs of their wedding at no additional cost.   Founder, Mark Fletcher, felt as though it was unfair to the customers to pay photographers to photograph them and then have to come back to buy the photographs they liked and wanted to keep!  So, in one fell swoop, Mark broke the industry standard and gave away copyrights and all of the wedding pictures taken in very inexpensive packages.  This enabled customers to reproduce their photographs at pennies on the dollar versus buying from a studio that does not release their copyrights.  We still pride ourselves in the tremendous work we do with highly trained Photographer’s, state of the art materials, cameras, as well as post editing production, providing what the individual clients want at a great price so that hopefully everyone can afford to have professional photography done at their wedding, even in this digital age.   Some people think that having a friend or relative photograph their wedding may be the answer and perhaps for some of them that works.

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