Everlasting Engagements Michigan

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Budget Planning & Management
We will work with you to help determine your wedding budget based on your tastes, style, and priorities. We will advise and recommend what percentage of the budget should be spent with each wedding vendor. Vendor Referrals
We have spent years building relationships with creative talents throughout Oakland County, Detroit, and beyond. We say we are “vendor matchmakers” creating a team of wedding vendors that are the perfect fit for your personality and style. Wedding Etiquette Advice
Your wedding is likely the biggest formal event you will plan in your life and can often be overwhelming when it comes to knowing proper etiquette. We are here to give you answers to every question like “how do I address a Doctor’s invitation?” or “how do I talk to my soon to be mother-in-law about what to wear to the wedding?” We are here to hold your hand through it all.

Wedding Weekend Activities
Let us handle all of your wedding weekend activities to keep your guests celebrating for days. This can include a welcome dinner, golf day, spa day, rehearsal dinner, after party, day-after brunch, etc.

Additional tools we can provide you with

  • Hotel Accommodations and Room blocks
  • Transportation
  • RSVP management
  • Tuxedo Return
  • Party favors
  • Bridal party gifts, and  Hospitality baskets

Meet the Team

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