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our natural desire to bring people together + to celebrate well is the foundation of our work and friendship. it was not long into knowing each other that we found ourselves sharing our space, time +passions with friends. it was almost as though those around us saw + attributed this gifting to us, before we ourselves did. as our friends began to entrust us to their celebrations, we began to dream about how we could grow this passion into a sustainable practice we could share with more people. soon we found ourselves building lives with our husbands in separate cities— kate, pursuing recreational therapy + hanna, graphic design— but our passions remained the same. separately honoring our giftings, we discovered that there was even more joy to be shared when we created together. so we dreamed; about the day that we would be in the same place at the same time once again + could give this the chance it deserved. we have felt so humbled with how our heartfelt venture has been received. each + every day, client + celebration has been an immense honor to be apart of

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