Deep Roots Winery & Bistro 2875 Blake St, Denver, CO 80205

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Deep Roots Winery was founded on the values of family. As the saying goes “Like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions but our roots remain the same”. The love of wine was instilled in the Edenburn children at a young age. What began as a family tradition long before their time, finally involved them starting in the early 90’s. When they were finally old enough (really, weighed enough) to help, the three amigos (Rudy, Carol and Teara) were stomping grapes in a barrel for their grandfather. It was a family tradition that always left their little feet purple for weeks to come. As time went on, all three siblings grew up and set out on their own paths but continued to come back and participate in the family tradition with happiness and love. For years, every Labor Day weekend, the 3 would make the trip back home from wherever they were in the United States. They would then spend 3 days picking and fermenting whichever berries made the list that year (generally blackberries). "Life's short, so we figured why wait. We always loved the process of making wine - why couldn't it be what we did for work?" - Teara Walters, Owner/Vintner
Just like life, time went on and each sibling moved into the "real world", but always stayed close to their roots. They often joked around about opening up a place together. Rudy would make the beer because he had attended an engineering school and could ferment anything. Teara would make the wine, as she was already an assistant vintner and tasting bar manager when she wasn't working her corporate job. Lastly, Carol Ann would make the food. She went off to culinary school so that she could refine her craft and impress anyone who ate her food! They would spend their time doing what they truly loved, but most of all they would be together. Then Teara met Steve. Steve was smart (PhD in Nuclear Science, so really smart) and charming with a palette for Italian Reds. His love of wine came later in life during his extensive travel to Asia and Europe. Raised in Chicago, IL. Steve always dreamed of pursuing a life of Science which took him to Los Alamos National Laboratory. From there he would move on to GE and then a Healthcare Start-up. His life choices allowed him to travel the world and finally to meet the woman of his dreams. Steve & Teara married in Colorado in 2012. It was at this time that Rudy and Carol hatched a plan to move out to Colorado sometime in the next 5 years. Rudy was 1st up, getting married in May 2014 and planning his move to Colorado that summer. "I've gravitated towards the kitchen since I was a little girl. When my sister called to see if I wanted to start and run the bistro that would ultimately pair with their new winery - I nearly collapsed."- Carol Ann Johnson, General Manager/Chef Then tragedy struck hard. In July 2014, Rudy passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack triggered by an unknown heart defect at the age of 29. What was once the three musketeers was now only the two sisters. Two years later, Steve, Teara and Carol decided that it was time for life to change. All three were traveling for work and on the road more than at home. After the death of their brother and the birth of Steve & Teara's last child, they wanted to spend more time with family. Carol happily agreed and packed up her life in Michigan to join her sister and brother in-law in Colorado, bringing to life the dream that the three amigos had started. And the rest, as they say, is history.

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