Free entrance to thermal bath, located into the spa garden of the city, nice walking ways at the river, sauna area, city train ride, kilometers of bike routes, open air bath, golf area, restaurants, terrace, forest
German: Unser Haus wurde in den Jahren 1912 & 1913 nach den Pl├ñnen des M├╝nchner Architekten Prof. Emanuel von Seidl erbaut. Der Prachtbau erhielt zun├ñchst die f├╝r den Kurbetrieb erforderlichen, gr├Â├ƒeren und kleinere S├ñle, Gesellschaftsr├ñume und R├ñume f├╝r den Wirtschaftsbetrieb. Am 3. Mai 1914 wurde das damalige Palasthotel mit 120 Zimmern angegliedert. Ein Jahr sp├ñter sollte der Konzertsaal, welcher nach damaligen Pl├ñnen 1500 Personen fassen sollte, fertig gestellt werden. Der Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges verhinderte den Saalbau, dieser wurde erst 15 Jahre sp├ñter vollendet. Im Ersten Weltkrieg wurde das Kurhaus zur kaiserlichen Residenz und war ÔÇô abgesehen von Koblenz, das einzige Hauptquartier auf deutschem Boden. Erst im Jahre 1923 konnte das Kurhaus wieder seiner eigentlichen Bestimmung dienen. Schlimmer noch als der erste Weltkrieg wirkte sich der zweite Weltkrieg und die unmittelbare Nachkriegszeit auf das Kurhaus aus. Nach zehnj├ñhriger Besatzung durch Amerikaner und Franzosen wurde das Kurhaus freigegeben und umfassend instand gesetzt bevor es im M├ñrz 1956 wieder f├╝r Hotelg├ñste seine Pforten ├Âffnete. 1958 wurde das Haus schicksalhaft zur St├ñtte der Gr├╝ndung der deutsch-franz├Âsischen Freundschaft zwischen dem damaligen Bundeskanzler Dr. Konrad Adenauer und dem franz├Âsischen Staatspr├ñsidenten Charles de Gaulle. Ein Gedenkstein vor dem Hoteleingang erinnert an dieses bedeutende Treffen. Ende Oktober 1984 trafen sich, ebenfalls hier im Haus, Bundeskanzler Dr. Helmut Kohl und der franz├Âsische Staatspr├ñsident Francois Mitterrand zu den 44. deutsch-franz├Âsischen Konsultationen. In den darauf folgenden Jahren war das Haus immer wieder Treffpunkt f├╝r Pers├Ânlichkeiten aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport und Kultur. Im Jahre 1977 und 1996 wurde das Hotel umfangreich ausgebaut und modernisiert. So wurden mehrere kleinere Konferenzr├ñume, die Kurhaus-Terrasse und der ehemalige Kurhauskeller (heute Jazzkeller) geschaffen und ein direkter Anschluss zu der ÔÇ×crucenia-thermeÔÇ£ (Bademantelgang) gebaut. Im Jahre 2003 ├╝bernahm die in Mailand ans├ñssige Domina Hotel Group das Hotel. Seit 2007 erfolgten eine umfangreiche Renovierung des ÔÇ×Park-RestaurantsÔÇ£ sowie der 11 Veranstaltungsr├ñume. Auch die international ausgerichtete K├╝che des Hauses r├╝hmt sich steigender Beliebtheit. Im Jahre 2012 ├╝bernahm die PK Hotel Group das Parkhotel Kurhaus, zu der auch weitere H├ñuser in Estland und Lettland geh├Âren. 2016 begann die Renovierung der G├ñstezimmer. English: The first spa house ÔÇ£KurhausÔÇ£ was thus built in 1843 to include the spa park, which is today much like it was then. In the 20th century many other hotels and pensions were built. With the discovery of the Radon caves by Dr. Aschoff in 1904, making known the powers of Radon to stop inflammations, the spa sector gained enormous importance in Bad Kreuznach. The city fathers decided to replace the old Kurhaus with a palace-like hotel. They chose the famous architect Emanuel von Seidl, who designed the hotel in the very new Art Deco style with soft lines and smooth facades. The new Kurhaus hotel was opened on July 1st 1913 and is now the PK Parkhotel Kurhaus. During World War I, the German military headquarters were placed in the hotel and thus was the military seat of the last Kaiser Wilhelm II. At the same time the General von Hindenburg and General Ludendorff (chief of staff for the whole of the military) were also in Bad Kreuznach. During the Kaiser's time at the Kurhaus - 1916 through 1918 - many of the head of state were here, like Zar Ferdinand of Bulgaria, General Mustafa Kemal Pascha, later known as Atat├╝rk. Towards the end of the1920's spa business began to recover. The old bathhouse just behind this hotel was torn down and replaced with a grande ball room ÔÇ£ Kursaal ÔÇ£ which opened in 1930 and is still being used until this day. In this time period the popes' Nuntius Eugeni Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII resided here as well. After extensive renovations in 1956, 1978 and 1996 the Kurhaus has been operated as per its design, a first class hotel and is still considered a jewel of fine architecture. In November of 1958 the french President Charles de Gaulle and Germanys Chancellor Konrad Adenauer met here to negotiate the French-German friendship pact. In the following years many more higher political consultations between these countries were held in the Hotel, thus keeping not only the hospitality tradition alive but also the tradition as a venue of historical events. In 2011 the hotel was taken over by an Estonian Real Estate Group and has been operating under its management ever since. 2016 the guest rooms started to be rneovated.
Policies / Expenses Cancellation: Depends on size of group and date Typical Group Deposit: 80% Total Taxes: 19.00% Total Misc Fees: $3.00 USD (mandatory resort fees/taxes) City Tax: 3.00 Per Night (per person/per nigth) Parking Fee: 17.00 Per Day
*75km distance to the Frankfurt International Airport *one way taxi 70 EUR *Airport Frankfurt Hahn 70km *one way taxi 70 EUR Airport Shuttle? Sorry, no airport shuttle available.
Yes! Pets are allowed. One pet per room allowed 10 EUR per day/per pet
Meeting Room Name | L x W x H (Feet) |
Size (sqft.) |
Banquet 5'/6' |
Crescent |
Classroom |
Hollow Square |
U-Shape |
Boardroom |
Convention 8'/10' |
Theater |
Reception |
Regist. Desk |
Kursaal | L x W x H (Feet)29 x 16 x 8 | Size (sqft.) 475 | Banquet 5'/6 300/550 | Crescent -- | Classroom 250 | Hollow Square -- | U-Shape 70 | Boardroom -- | Convention 40/-- | Theater 650 | Reception -- | Regist. Desk -- |
Our Kursaal is the biggest meeting and event room what we have. You can use it for a musical, Theater, wedding, birthday, convention, fair or a big meeting. DetailsRoom Type General Meeting RoomTotal Size 5112.9 Sq. Mi Dimensions 29 x 16 x 8 M. Floor Level Ground Level Windows 16 Natural Light? Yes Obstructions? Yes Built In Screens? Yes Built In Stage? Yes Built In A/V? Yes Amenities AvailableCoffee/Tea Setup,Food/Beverage,Projection Equip.,TV/VCR/DVD,WIFI Internet,Podium,Microphone,Teleconferencing,Flip Chart,Sound System |
Gr├╝ner Saal | L x W x H (Feet)13 x 16 x 4 | Size (sqft.) 208 | Banquet 5'/6 100/100 | Crescent -- | Classroom 90 | Hollow Square -- | U-Shape 32 | Boardroom -- | Convention --/-- | Theater 150 | Reception -- | Regist. Desk -- |
Gr├╝ner Saal
DetailsRoom Type General Meeting RoomTotal Size 2238.9 Sq. Mi Dimensions 13 x 16 x 4 M. Floor Level Ground Level Windows 8 Natural Light? Yes Obstructions? Yes Built In Screens? Yes Built In Stage? Yes Built In A/V? Yes Amenities AvailableCoffee/Tea Setup,Food/Beverage,Projection Equip.,TV/VCR/DVD,WIFI Internet,Podium,Microphone,Flip Chart |
Salon Prieger/Poseidon | L x W x H (Feet)22 x 6 x 3 | Size (sqft.) 135 | Banquet 5'/6 60/60 | Crescent -- | Classroom 40 | Hollow Square -- | U-Shape 30 | Boardroom -- | Convention --/-- | Theater 80 | Reception -- | Regist. Desk -- |
Salon Prieger/Poseidon
DetailsRoom Type General Meeting RoomTotal Size 1453.1 Sq. Mi Dimensions 22 x 6 x 3 M. Floor Level Ground Level Windows 8 Natural Light? Yes Obstructions? No Built In Screens? No Built In Stage? No Built In A/V? No Amenities AvailableCoffee/Tea Setup,Food/Beverage,Projection Equip.,WIFI Internet,Podium,Microphone,Flip Chart |
Salon Bourg en Bresse | L x W x H (Feet)9 x 9 x 3 | Size (sqft.) 80 | Banquet 5'/6 45/45 | Crescent -- | Classroom 30 | Hollow Square -- | U-Shape 22 | Boardroom -- | Convention --/-- | Theater 50 | Reception -- | Regist. Desk -- |
Salon Bourg en Bresse
DetailsRoom Type General Meeting RoomTotal Size 861.1 Sq. Mi Dimensions 9 x 9 x 3 M. Floor Level Ground Level Windows 3 Natural Light? Yes Obstructions? No Built In Screens? No Built In Stage? No Built In A/V? No Amenities AvailableCoffee/Tea Setup,Food/Beverage,Projection Equip.,TV/VCR/DVD,WIFI Internet,Podium,Microphone,Flip Chart |
Schloßberg / Scheidberg | L x W x H (Feet)6 x 5 x 3 | Size (sqft.) 36 | Banquet 5'/6 12/12 | Crescent -- | Classroom 10 | Hollow Square -- | U-Shape 12 | Boardroom -- | Convention --/-- | Theater 18 | Reception -- | Regist. Desk -- |
Schloßberg / Scheidberg
DetailsRoom Type General Meeting RoomTotal Size 387.5 Sq. Mi Dimensions 6 x 5 x 3 M. Floor Level Ground Level Windows 4 Natural Light? Yes Obstructions? No Built In Screens? No Built In Stage? No Built In A/V? No Amenities AvailableCoffee/Tea Setup,Food/Beverage,Projection Equip.,TV/VCR/DVD,WIFI Internet,Microphone,Flip Chart |
Breakfast is in every rate including. Breakfast Buffet starts every day at 6:30AM till 10:30AM